Asylum in Berlin

Asylum - Protection - Asylum seeker - Application for asylum - Asylum procedure - Right of asylum - Benefits

Asylum in Berlin with information for asylum seekers on the asylum application, asylum procedure, asylum law and benefits.

The reception center of the state of Berlin for asylum seekers is located in Berlin Wedding.

Asyl in Berlin

Responsible for asylum procedures in Berlin

The State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LAGeSo) is responsible for the implementation of asylum procedures and refugee protection.

Asylum procedure in Berlin

Further information about asylum in Berlin: s. at the bottom of this page.

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Agencies and public authorities

Social institutions in Berlin

Information on the asylum procedure


Turmstraße 21
10559 Berlin Wedding


030/9022 90
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U-Bahn U9
Bus M27, 101 123, 187

Map / City Map

Stadtplan Berlin


Visitor information

Opening hours
Monday 09:00 - 12:30 13:30 - 15:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 12:30 13:30 - 15:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 12:30 13:30 - 15:30
Thursday 09:00 - 12:30 13:30 - 15:30
Friday 09:00 - 13:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Application - Form - Certificate

You want to receive asylum, asylum money or social assistance. The State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LaGeSo) checks whether you are entitled to this financial support.

With the application you submit them. Please send the completed form to the office responsible for you.

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The term asylum means:

● a haven

● the protection against danger and persecution

● temporary admission pursued

Asylum law

The German asylum law for politically persecuted persons is a fundamental right in Germany, which is enshrined in Art. 16a of the Basic Law.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees decides on the recognition of the political persecutees as entitled to asylum.

The asylum seeker is allowed to stay in Berlin during the implementation of the asylum procedure.

Asyl Beratung

Your personal details will be recorded and you will receive detailed advice on the asylum procedure of trained social workers.


Form - Asylum application

Asylantrag in Berlin stellen

The purpose of this template is to facilitate and accelerate the first application form to the Federal Office, as full completion can be used to avoid queries due to the lack of required information.

Apply for asylum


To be admitted as a refugee in Germany, you must first register as an asylum seeker with the State Office for Refugee Affairs (LAF).

The LAF maintains various locations within Berlin.

Application for asylum

Then submit your application for asylum to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

Registration as an asylum seeker takes place in two stages.

• On the first day your proof of arrival (ANKUNA) is created. He is the prerequisite for applying for asylum and receiving benefits. The proof of arrival records your fingerprints and your photo as well as name, birthday, origin and language.

• The following day you will be medically examined and receive your services.

Then submit your application for asylum to the Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). The BAMF examines and decides all asylum applications filed in Germany. Neither the LAF nor other Berlin authorities can influence this decision.

Required Documents

Please bring with you all your identity documents and personal papers to register, so that your application can be processed quickly. The first reception center includes the authorities that are important for the asylum procedure.

Asylum procedures

To apply for asylum, you must be in Germany. An application for asylum can not be made to diplomatic missions of the Federal Republic of Germany. You must submit this application personally.

If you have been registered as an asylum seeker and have been assigned to the Land Berlin, you must submit your asylum application to one of the Berlin branch offices of the Federal Office for Migration (BAMF).

While your asylum procedure is being examined in Berlin, you have to live in a central reception center for about 3 months.

The asylum application will be accepted and you will shortly be given an appointment for an interview.

Here you must detail your personal reasons for leaving your home country.

There you will also hand in your proof of arrival and receive instead a Aufenthaltsgestattung the temporary. To renew you need an appointment with the immigration office. Please keep the Aufenthaltsgestattung carefully. Only with this document can you prove that you have applied for asylum. This is important z. B. at a police check.


You can not freely choose in which federal state your asylum application is processed. Upon registration, you will be assigned to one of the 16 German federal states in a computer-aided procedure. This is necessary in order to distribute the many protection seekers evenly in Germany and to process asylum applications as quickly as possible. Kinship is not a sufficient reason for a distribution to Berlin.


You receive benefits to secure your livelihood during the duration of the asylum procedure.

These services include accommodation (accommodation in hostels), nutrition, medical assistance and clothing.


General emergencies such as poverty, civil wars, natural disasters or lack of prospects are fundamentally excluded as grounds for granting asylum.

When entering via a safe third country, recognition as a person entitled to asylum is excluded.

Lack of information of the asylum seeker to the person.


Administrative decisions are opened against negative decisions of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

Penalty and fine regulations

With the criminal provisions in § 84, § 84a and § 85 AsylG the law belongs to Nebenstrafrecht.

It criminalizes the enticement of abusive asylum applications by third parties and the residence of the asylum seeker in a county other than the county assigned by the competent authority as a violation of the Residenzpflicht.


Arrival center for asylum seekers
Ankunftszentrum für Asylbewerber

Arrival center for asylum seekers

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is an agency for migration and refugees.

If you are new to Berlin and want to apply for asylum, your first stop is the arrival center in Reinickendorf.

Please contact the first contact point at Oranienburger Straße 285, in the district of Reinickendorf (near subway station "Berliner Straße" of underground line U8).


Ankunftszentrum für Asylbewerber

Oranienburger Straße 285
13437 Berlin


030/9022 50


Website URL

State Office for Refugee Affairs

Landesamt für Flüchtlingsangelegenheiten in Berlin

State Office for Refugee Affairs

The State Office for Refugee Affairs is an authority based in Berlin.

The State Office for Refugee Affairs (LAF) is responsible for all questions concerning the registration, granting of benefits and accommodation of refugees in Berlin.


Landesamt für Flüchtlingsangelegenheiten

Darwinstraße 14 - 18

Goslarer Ufer 15
10589 Berlin


030/9022 50


Website URL

Office for civil and foreign affairs immigration authority

Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten Ausländerbehörde

Office for civil and foreign affairs immigration authority

Office for Civil and Regulatory Affairs Immigration Office is an authority based in Berlin.

The Berlin Immigration Office serves its customers at the Friedrich-Krause-Ufer locations in Berlin-Tiergarten (headquarters) and Keplerstraße in Berlin-Charlottenburg (branch office for special residency purposes).

In particular, residence permits for employment, family or humanitarian reasons, visa procedures are processed, granted and extended.


Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten Ausländerbehörde

Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24
13353 Berlin


030/9026 90


Website URL

Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)

BAMF - Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge

Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is an authority based in Nuremberg.

The authority is responsible for the following tasks in Germany:

• Decisions on asylum applications and deportation protection
• Integration of immigrants, a national integration program
• Admission of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union
• Information Services in Return Promotion
• Contact point for temporary protection in case of mass influx of displaced persons
• National Center of the European Refugee Fund


Bundesagentur für Migration und Flüchtlinge

Frankenstraße 210
90461 Nürnberg


+49 911 943 0


Website URL


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